
New Exhibition – SpaziOlevano

The artist book Ai piedi degli alberi exhibited at SpaziOlevano, by Comune di Olevano Romano and Museo Civico d’Arte “Domenico Riccardi”, March 22, 2025: read here

New artist book – Magici specchi

New artist book just arrived: Magici specchi, Loredana Müller and Osvaldo Coluccino, Areapangeart Editions, Bellinzona 2025. Details and photos here

New concert – WØD-Weinberg Festival

Aion , for string quartet (2002, RAI Trade editions), Salzburg, WØD-Weinberg Festival , Orchesterhaus Salzburg (House of the Mozarteum Orchestra) – Stadler Quartett. World premiere in concert. October 27, h. 19:30. The Stadler Quartett has been founded in 1992 at the Mozarteum University Salzburg, with the aim of exploring not only the extensive traditional repertoire of the string quartet, but also contemporary music. This led to their first CD-recording with microtonal music in 1996. The Stadler Quartett has worked with numerous composers including Helmut Lachenmann (CD e DVD), Geörgy Kurtág, Wolfgang Rihm, Chaya Czernowin, Johannes Kalitzke (CD), Friedrich Cerha (CD), Georg Friedrich Haas, Jörg Widmann, George Crumb, Henri Dutilleux, Steve Reich, Thomas Larcher, Huang Ruo e Giya Kancheli. The quartet has been invited to perform at Ferienkurse in Darmstadt, at the Konzerthaus in Vienna, at the Munich Biennale, at the WDR radio in Cologne, and has given concerts in Warsaw, Oslo, Milan...

New exhibition – Festival Filosofarti, Moregola Gallery

The artist book Ai piedi degli alberi by Osvaldo Coluccino (poet) and Giulia Napoleone (artist), Il Bulino editions, Roma, on display at the exhibition  Almost Blue , Moregola Gallery, Busto Arsizio (Varese), Festival Filosofarti, 18.2.2024-7.4.2024.  read here .    read here

New book – L'abbaglio del volatile

see here  

New artist book – Ai piedi degl alberi

New artist book just arrived: Ai piedi degli alberi , Giulia Napoleone and Osvaldo Coluccino, art print by Sergi Pandolfini, Il Bulino, Rome 2023. Details and photos here

New concert – Bologna Festival

Next concert, Jan Michiels performs  Stanze  2, 3, 9, 12 at Bologna Festival 2023. Music by Chopin, Debussy, Ligeti, Coluccino:  read here  

New book – Cieli d’assenzio

After 36 years, the first collection of poems managed to come to light, Cieli d'assenzio , poemetti (1987-1989), with an introduction by an academic critic, Giovanni Tesio, and with a historical publisher, Carabba:  on Mondandori   on Feltrinelli   on IBS

New exhibition – Festivalfilosofia, Poletti Art Library

Two artist books with unpublished poems by Osvaldo Coluccino and original works by Giulia Napoleone exhibited at the Festival Filosofia di Modena – “ parola ”: Ai piedi degli alberi (Il Bulino, Roma, September 2023, forthcoming publication) and Fontana (Pulcinoelefante, Osnago 2022), in the exhibition  Il corpo della parola – i libri di Giulia Napoleone , curated by Paolo Tinti, Modena, Palazzo dei Musei, Luigi Poletti civic library of art and architecture, University of Bologna, inauguration 15 September at 18.00:  read here